Accessible only while at the library.

You can access via our patron use computers or your own device while at the library. Click on the icon to begin. This database is provided by the Fowlerville District Library.

More Genealogy Databases

Seeking Michigan is the online platform for the Michigan Historical Center. You can access Seeking Michigan from the comfort of the library or your own home. Simply click on the Seeking Michigan icon to get started. This database is provided by the Library of Michigan.
MyHeritage is a genealogy resource that includes enlistment records from WWII; family history resources from the United States, Europe, Latin America, and other regions; census records from the United States, England, and Wales; records of Union and Confederate Civil War soldiers; and much more.
You can access the National Archives from the comfort of the library or your own home. Simply click on the icon to get started.
You can access AfriGeneas from the comfort of the library or your own home. Simply click on the icon to get started.
                                Seeking History Reference Center is provided by the State of Michigan and includes documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals. Also includes biographies of historical figures.

Free Genealogy Tools

  • Family Search: A FREE online service operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints.
  • The USGenWeb Project: A FREE online service that collects and disseminates historical information on state and local levels.
  • a FREE online service that offers genealogy basics, tips, and tutorials.
  • Atlas of Historical County Boundaries: A FREE online service that shows you how and when county boundaries changed, so you will always know the correct place to look for the genealogical records that you need.
  • A FREE online service that offers a huge database of tombstone images, each of which is GPS tagged.
  • Chronicling America: A FREE website owned by the Library of Congress that is a portal to digitized historic newspapers from twenty-five different states and Washington, D.C., dating from 1836 to 1922.
  • a FREE website that offers a plethora of genealogical tools geared toward beginners, including cheat sheets, how-to articles, and past issues of the magazine.
  • a FREE online database of tombstone photos and biographical information.