Check out all the cool things you can now borrow from the Fowlerville District Library.

Fully Loaded Signature and Paperwhite kindles

Each kindle is loaded with 1000s of titles.  Kindle Readers are available for adult, teen, and junior age groups with a variety of books for each age group. Currently, teens and juniors are only available in Paperwhite Kindle Readers

Below is a PDF of a complete list of adult titles and corresponding Kindle Readers.

Kindle Readers Catalog PDF


Litwits are reading booster kits filled with fun reading games, activities, and books. These kits were crafted to help improve specific reading areas including fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. There is a kit for each reading area in each grade level.

Check out one of these packs at the Fowlerville District Library to help your child practice his or her reading skills.